If you are having issues with not enough contacts in your list or you are not seeing a scheduled list you usually see, follow the below troubleshooting steps to get up and running again.
Find your lists under favourites, click manage to be shown the filters applied for that list
Navigate to the automations page, find the automation and open the settings
Both Call Lists and Automations provide a contact count below the filters.
If this shows no matching contacts then your filters are unable to find the contacts you’re looking to talk to. (see further down for more details where this may still show contacts but you have no list to do today)
The most common issue is where you’ve spoken to all the contacts already (this is influenced by your ‘last activity of type’ filters) you can confirm this by setting the filter to a low value e.g. more than 1 day and refresh the count to see how many contacts have been spoken to in the time period.
To resolve this you have 2 options, either wait for the contacts to come back around when they are due to be spoken to again, or reduce the last activity time (be reasonable, no one wants automated messages every week).
It would be advisable to set an appropriate list size here also. See List Size below.
It is possible to make your automation too specific or conflict with unnecessary filters. This is most common when contacts are miscategorised or the category doesn’t mean what you think it does.
The simplest way to diagnose is to remove filters one by one and refresh at each step to see how many contacts show up.
The Contact Analytics page can be useful to help break down your database at a higher level to get an overview of how much of your database has been communicated with, or what categories most contacts fall under etc. [see more here]
1. Check the List Reviewer Setting
2. Check the Scheduled Days
3. Check for any Holidays set
If you have checked the above then the lack of lists will likely be due to the conversation templates or communication frequency settings.
Some templates can be set to not repeat themselves (These templates will show highlighted with orange), so the contacts showing will have already had this conversation. In cases where there are no other available conversations RiTA cannot produce a list.
Some templates require external market information to run and RiTA may not have it available for those contacts at present i.e. a local sale to talk about. (These conversations have the lock icon next to them indicating they can only function if the specified information is available for use.)
List size is important when setting regular communication cycles. We have a fixed number of contacts, say 600, we want to talk to them every 90 days. If we are to send a list every Mon-Fri we can only send 10 messages per list. If we send 15, we burn through our contacts faster and will have days where RiTA has no lists as all our contacts have been spoken to. If we send 5 per list we have contacts left over after 90 days who still haven’t been spoken to.
(contact pool size / communication frequency in days) x 7 days in a week / scheduled days of the week
(600 / 90) x 7 / 5 = 9.3 or 10ish