When it comes to issues that are stopping users from utilizing RiTA to it's full potential here are some general troubleshooting methods we suggest:
Error Codes
Most of the errors that happen will generate out an error code, we find are usually transient in that they just appear and then disappear and you can continue with your day - but if you find an error is persisting and stopping you from doing functions in RiTA consider the following:
- Clear your cache, cookies and then restart the computer. The following will show you how to do this in Chrome: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/32050?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop
Login via an incognito window and see
To do this, go to app.ritabyaire.com and then put in that email, it'll send a new login link to your email address.
- You can right click on the link in this email and click open in Incognito Tab/Window, but if this doesn't occur, you can copy the link and paste it into an Incognito Tab manually - to open up an Incognito Window do this in your browser when you have a window open, and then you press Control (⌘ for Mac)+Shift+N all at once
- Finally, contact support and ask them to replicate exactly what you're trying to do, and see if it happens for them too
Why Are My Lists Not Generating?
Refer to the following article: https://nzhelpcentre.corelogic.co.nz/hc/en-nz/articles/8007751424271-I-Have-No-Contacts-in-My-List
Why Can't I Login?
Refer to the following article: https://nzhelpcentre.corelogic.co.nz/hc/en-nz/articles/8007766152079-Troubleshooting-Logging-In