In Property Guru, you may search for property records directly from the homepage:
You can always change your search method from the search results page or property detail page by using the dropdown menu located at the top search bar.
Click on the breadcrumbs to go one level up in your search. Each level up gives you a wider search.
Use the filters bar to refine and restrict your search results to properties that are relevant to you. Use the search type filter and choose between All Properties, Sales, For Sale, For Rent, Aged, Withdrawn and Tenure to change the fields in the filters bar. You may create an open-ended search by selecting only a minimum value associated with a property attribute, or select a minimum and maximum value to create a search range for a property attribute.
Click on the Filters button to change and set Core Filters, Government Filters and other advanced filters (coming soon).
Search more efficiently by searching across multiple locations. Learn more about multi-location search in this article.
Enter one of the following information in the search bar:
Property address
Street name
Suburb name
Council or Territorial Authority
The different types of information are indicated by the corresponding icons:
To run a new search, start typing in the search bar. As you type, predictive text will appear. Select the address that is relevant to your search.
To run past searches again, click on the search bar and select from 10 of your most recent searches.
Select Name from the search options above the search bar. Fill in the last name and the first name. Then, enter a suburb name. Note that only the last name is mandatory. Use the checkboxes to restrict your search results:
Tick the Current owner only checkbox to exclude historical property ownership in your search results.
Tick the Exact match checkbox to limit search results only to properties with owner names that are an exact match to what you have entered. If you leave this checkbox unticked, the search results will include properties owned by people with partially matching names. For example, if you search with the last name ‘Roberts’, properties owned by people with the last name ‘Robertson’ will also be included in the search results.
Click on the blue search icon to run the search.
You may also run a name search from a property detail page by clicking on the owner’s name on the Household Information panel and the sale history on the Property History panel.
Property ownership by a company is considered public information in most parts of New Zealand. Select Company from the search options above the search bar. Fill in the company name and enter a suburb name.
Tick the Current owner only checkbox to exclude historical property ownership in your search results.
Tick the Exact match checkbox to limit search results only to properties with company names that are an exact match to what you have entered. If you leave this checkbox unticked, the search results will include properties owned by companies with partially matching names. For example, if you search with the name ‘Roberts’, properties owned by companies with the name ‘Robertson’ will also be included in the search results.
Once you have identified the property you are researching, click on the company name to view all the properties owned by the company.
Searching by Legal Description is helpful when researching subdivided properties with different addresses recorded against the property records. For example, a unit may be known as 1/3 Sunshine Drive, or 3A Sunshine Drive.
Select Legal Description from the search options above the search bar. Fill in the lot/plan numbers in the text box and select an entry from the suggested list.
Search for properties using a property’s Title Reference number. Select Title Reference from the search options above the search bar. Fill in the title number in the text box and select an entry from the suggested list.
Search for properties using a property’s Roll/Valuation number. Select Roll/Valuationfrom the search options above the search bar. If you do not know the exact roll number or valuation reference, fill in the first few numbers and the search results will include properties starting with those numbers.
Learn more about filtering search results and sorting search results.
Learn how to run a radius search or map search