A Market Analytics Report is a report that RiTA can send to you and your team about recent won and lost listing activity in your Core Markets.
In this report, RiTA can provide you with information on new advertised sales and rentals that have come to market, as well as identify if the property owner already exists in your database - so you never miss a lost listing again!
Updating Market Analytics Report settings is restricted to Admin users.
From the navigation menu, select Admin
From the Settings menu under 'Reports', select Market Analytics
In the report settings, toggle either (or both!) a report on by select the toggle to the 'on' state, ensuring to select a reporting period (how long you want the report to cover) and days you wish to receive the report on for a weekly report from the dropdowns available.
Note: Monthly reports do not need a day of the week or period set, they just need to be toggled on or off.
Next, provide some email addresses for RiTA to send these reports to by typing them into the form, pressing enter after each email to add another. Please note that this report covers all RiTA users in your account - it doesn't filter down to individual agents.
Specify an average commission value for RiTA to calculate (on average) what your total lost commission would be for any lost listings that RiTA finds.
Note: Any dollar values associated with lost commissions will be an average. These values are only to be used as a rough guide, not a hard dollar value.
Select SAVE once you are finished to save your report settings.
That's it - RiTA will take care of the rest, and will send you an email before 9 am on the day specified, which will look something like this:
You can also download a CSV file of this data by clicking the button in the email:
You can get a report sent on specific days each week, covering a custom period.
The custom periods are:
7 days (each report sent will cover the last 7 days, so you can get a rolling weekly update),
30 days (each report sent will cover the last 30 days, so you can get a rolling month in review),
Month to date (each report sent will cover each day from the beginning of the current month until now, so you can keep an eye on how you are progressing for the current month).
Monthly report
This report is sent out by RiTA on the first day of the new month and will cover all of the market activity in your Core Markets for the previous month.
Live Market Analytics Report
You are also able to see the report live and customise your time period by using this link.