When RiTA imports data from your CRM, the contacts property data is also synced. RiTA then associates these properties to your contacts so that you can build lists to target these property owners and get them into your pipeline.
What can make this hard is when the data is out of date, or you are unsure when the data was last updated and the subsequent ownership relationship confirmed.
In RiTA, you can now update these relationships, so that when you are working in RiTA, you can be confident that the data is current, and if not, you have the ability to make it so.
The way that RiTA determines property owners is a multi-step process.
If a contact has related properties in your CRM, RiTA will take these as their property.
If a contact doesn’t have related properties, RiTA will use their residential address.
However, if the contact is marked as a tenant or past tenant with a category/tag in your CRM, RiTA won’t use the residential address.
There are 3 different types of property ownership states in RiTA:
Confirmed Current Owner
Where it's confirmed that the contact is the current owner, by a 3rd-party data source (like Pricefinder), or by another RiTA user who has manually confirmed with the contact that they are the current owner.
The relationship will display on the property in green.
Unsure if Current Owner
Where RiTA has tried to validate that the contact is the current owner, but due to various reasons may not be able to confirm with 100% accuracy.
The relationship will display on the property in amber.
Confirmed Not Current Owner
Where it's confirmed that the contact is not the current owner, by a 3rd-party data source, or by another RiTA user who has manually confirmed with the contact that they are not the current owner.
The relationship will display on the property in red.
1. Next to the ownership status, if the contact is the current owner, select Is Current Owner or Mark as Past Owner.
2a. If Is Current Owner, RiTA will update the relationship with your name as the confirmation source, and mark the contact as the current owner.
2b. If Mark as Past Owner, RiTA will update the relationship with your name as the confirmation source, and mark the contact as a past owner.
RiTA is able to confirm property ownership on your behalf, and then update that data in RiTA for you, so that you can easily tell if the contact is the current property owner.
Additionally, if you wish to view a property on Pricefinder Or CoreLogic, you can click on the View in Pricefinder, or View in CoreLogic which will upon up a new window and take you to view that property.
Note: you need to be logged into Pricefinder and have the integration set up in RiTA. If you are unsure, ask your RiTA Administrator in your office. If you want to view CoreLogic property information you will need to be logged in to CoreLogic to access.
Sometimes, the data in the CRM can be cold, and the data outdated.
To remove a property from the contact in RiTA entirely, you will need to mark the contact as a Past Owner. To do this click on the Mark as Past Owner in red.
RiTA will now let you know that they were a past owner. To remove the ownership complete you can now click on the Remove Ownership in red.
RiTA will then remove the property ownership relationship from the contact entirely, and it will no longer show in their ownership history.
Sometimes, data needs to be added to a contact, especially after you've facilitated a sale!
To add a property to a contact,
1. Click on the Add button in the Property section of the contact.
2. In the search bar, search for a property by typing in the street address, and then select an address from the list of matching results.
3. Select SAVE. RiTA will then add this property to the contact and mark the contact as the current owner.
RiTA will also record a note to go back into your CRM stating that you added the property to the contact.
Note: Any property updates will only persist in RiTA. The note that RiTA pushes back to your CRM is to act as a reminder to update the data in your CRM.
If you would like more information, or have questions about property ownership in RiTA, you can reach out to us using the in-app live chat or by email at