You may fill in more information about the job. For example, the Job Number, Job Type, Client Name and Site Address. Click on the dropdown menu to view and select the field description that applies to you.
Job/Claim Number: This is an alphanumeric section that will allow you to reference a particular job. This number will also be displayed in the Project Details preview on the estimate page.
Job/Claim Type: Describe the type of job you are working on. This could be for example “Renovation”.
Client/Insured Name: Add your client name if it is different from the General contact details you are going to add in the next section.
Site Address: Add the address of the job location.
You must provide a Site Address to view the map of the site. Enter a site address and a map of the site location will be shown in the Site Map frame automatically.
Once you have a site map displayed, you may use the drawing tools to draw and record quantities. It is recommended that you expand the map so that you have more space to work with.
Use the drawing points to click around the building/site area, either for sqm or for linear meters. For example, for the total sqm of an existing building or linear meter for site fencing and many other options. After drawing, minimise the map and click on Job Details to view the linear or square meter amount.
You may then copy and paste these quantities into the corresponding estimate.