It’s an estimate of a property’s approximate value based on local market data at a point in time based on available data and is not indicative of future market performance.
Estimated Values are calculated for each individual property nationwide with associated ‘confidence levels’ based on how much data is available.
Estimated Values are mathematically calculated using publically available data sourced from councils, real estate agents and other third party data agencies.
In order to improve the accuracy of the Estimated Value, we encourage the correction of the data we hold in order to give you a better indication of the approximate market value of a property.
The Estimated Value is not a professional valuation; rather it is calculated to provide a general guideline for property related conversations.
An Estimated Value should not be relied upon in lieu of professional advice and we encourage homeowners, buyers, investors to exercise their own skill and judgment when considering purchasing a property, seek professional advice where appropriate and conduct other research such as:
- Getting a professional valuation from a registered or certified practising valuer
- Getting a comparative market analysis from a trusted, local real estate agent, builder or other industry professional
- Physically visiting the property