Latest release
- Schools Data Now available in Signature Reports. Now you can include what schools are nearby your target property in you CMA's.
- Rental Occupancy Enhancing the current filters to include a ‘Likely Rental’ filters. This will allow you to filter out rental properties so that when sending marketing you are targeting the right people.
Previous release
- Schools Data Now available on the Property detail page. See what school catchment your property is in or what other schools are nearby.
- New Map Layers We have added new 'Easements' layers on the map, allowing users to see if properties are impacted by Easements. This feature is not available on all packages.
- Update to List view Users can now resize all of the selected columns, including the Address column.
- Tweaks to Advanced Filters Allowing users to search for a specific filter and see how many properties would be returned when selecting a filter before applying.