In Cordell Connect, you have the ability to assign tasks to yourself or to other users within your account. There are two ways to do this:
Assigning a task from the search results page
Adding a task from the project detail page
Tick on the checkbox to select a project and click on Assign Task.
Image 1: Accessing the Assign Task function from the project search results page.
A window will pop up. Here, you will be able to type in the task description, and set a due date and time. Click on the dropdown menu to select who you wish to assign the task to. Click Save to complete this step.
Image 2: The Assign Task pop-up window.
To find out how to receive email notifications when a task is due or assigned, read our article about setting email notifications.
To add a task from the project detail page, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the +Add Task link.
Image 3: Locating the Add Task option from the project detail page.
A window will pop up. Here, you will be able to type in the task description, and set a due date and time. Scroll through the Assigned To section to select who you wish to assign the task to. You may click on the Company and Contact drop down menu to add more detail to the task.
Image 4: The Add Task pop-up window.
Once you’re done, click on Save to record this task against the project. If you wish to add this on your calendar, click on Add To Calendar to download the .ics file.
To view tasks which have been assigned to you, click on Tasks and select My Tasks List .
Image 5: Locating My Tasks List from the top navigation menu.
You will then be able to see all your tasks and take further action.
Image 6: My Tasks List page.
Saved tasks will also be displayed against the project on a Project Detail Page.
Image 7: The Tasks section on a Project Detail page.