Teams in RiTA are a way for you to configure RiTA so agents and personal assistants can see their team members notes and activities on contacts, action their Follow Ups, share estimates on the Seller Timeline and keep in sync.
How does being in a team differ?
When a RiTA user is a part of a team, there are a few key changes:
Follow Ups
Team members are able to see the Follow Ups that are assigned to their team members on contacts that they can access. This means that a Personal Assistant can help to action Follow Ups that are assigned to their Lead Agent.
Private Notes and Private Categories
If you have the Private Notes or Private Estimated Sales Dates settings turned on, and a user is a part of a team, that user will be able to see the notes and Estimates that their team members have made on a contact.
If you don't have these settings turned on, there will be no difference to the current user experience.
All RiTA admins can see private categories from the CRM, but RiTA Users can only ever see private categories for the CRM user they are linked to.
If a User is a part of a team, they will be able to see the Private categories that are linked to their team members users.
Estimated Sale Dates and the Seller Timeline
By default, the Timeline for a User in a team will only display the estimates that they have made.
This can be changed at a user level to show estimates made by their team members on contacts they can access.
Users in a team will be able to select their team members from the user select dropdown on the Analytics pages, and review activity analytics, lists, and Follow Up analytics for themselves and their team.
How do I configure a Team?
In the Admin section of RiTA, there is a new option called Team Management.
Select New Team to configure a new team.
RiTA can automatically generate a team name for you, or you can define one yourself.
Next, select which RiTA users will be a part of the team, and then select Save.
Note: Users can only be a part of one team at a time. If a user is already in a team, they will show up as greyed out in the dropdown menu.
Once a user is in a team, RiTA will show which team they are in under their name. Wherever you can search for a RiTA user, you can also search by the teams' name
That's all the set up required.
RiTA will show the users estimates on the Timeline by default. All that needs be done at the user-level is to check that the filter on the Timeline either doesn't specify any filtering (show all estimates on contacts the user has access to), or that the estimates were last qualified by themselves OR their team members (show all estimates by given users on my team).
Can a user be a part of more than one team?
No; each user can only be a part of a single team.
If you have a person who needs to be a part of multiple teams, you can create a second RiTA user for that person. If you'd like to understand how this would work, please reach out to our customer support team.
Does this work if I turn the Privacy settings for 'Private Notes' and 'Private Estimated Sale Dates' on for my team?
Yes; any member on a team will be able to see the Notes and Estimated Sale Dates on contacts that they share access to.
Can all users on a team see the same contacts if I put them into a team?
Possibly; it depends on how their mandatory filters have been set up.
Simply put, if the user in RiTA can't see a contact based on their mandatory filters, they won't be able to see them. Ideally, configure your team members in RiTA so that they all have access to the contacts that the team should have access to.
If you'd like help in configuring this, please reach out to our customer support team.
Can I import my team structures from my CRM?
No; users can be configured uniquely in RiTA, and so you will need to recreate those team structures.
What happens when I remove a user from a team?
The removed user will no longer be able to see the activity that the team has made, depending on the Privacy settings on the account.
One of my users can only see their estimates on the Timeline, not their team members as well?
RiTA will show the users estimates on the Timeline by default.
Double-check that the filter on the Timeline either doesn't specify any filtering (show all) or that they are filtering their Timeline to estimates last qualified by themselves OR their team members.