Important Note: Please check the labour rates category to view Cordell's benchmark for labour charge-out rates within the Detailed databases and Remove and Replace (Labour Only). You can adjust Cordell's benchmark rates to suit site-specific construction. Some subcontractors will charge more and some will charge less - depending on their experience, skill and amount of workaround.
Subcontract labour - minimum charge
Use the subcontract labour - minimum charge rate specifically for small work area jobs to increase the recipe install rate or/and a minimum call-out charge that consists of labour rates only. It allows travel time from the original position, one hour on-site and return travel to the original position or 3 hours extra work time on small jobs. This rate excludes materials. It can be used for pick-up materials and checking extra costs for on-site deliveries
Friendly Reminder:
The detailed databases Housing and Commercial are fully adjustable databases for all components (labour, material, plant, and subcontract eg. disposal costs), and the Remove and Replace database (labour component only) can be fully adjustable. This will change the rate in the rate column of the database page. All databases can be adjusted on the estimate page.
Residential Subcontract labour charge-out rates power all recipes that are in the following databases: Housing, Elemental, Renovation, Remove and Replace, and Housing M2.
Commercial Subcontract Labour charge-out rates power all recipes that are in the Commercial and Commercial M2 (excludes NZ) databases.
Labour charge-out rates can also be adjusted on the estimate page for site-specific or more expensive subcontractors. This allows the estimate prices to be updated at any stage. Request free ongoing training from support.
Tip: Double-click in the adjustment column in the 0.00 cell for any component types (labour, material, plant or subcontract).
Cordell labour rates are an average rate or benchmark rate that you would pay when you hire
subcontract labour or receive when you charge out your labour.
This rate is an average rate of what subbies charge. This will give you a good idea of what to expect.
Some subbies will charge more and some will charge less – depending on their experience, skill and
amount of work around.
If your subbie is cheaper/more expensive...
You can adjust to the exact rate of your subbie if you know it.
This will adjust the rate of all the recipes that use that subbie.
Remember to change the rate back to standard if you stop using that subbie!
This rate is an average rate of what you should typically charge for your labour. It includes things like
paying yourself superannuation and allows for other costs such as annual license fees and your
standard equipment. People using the Cordell system will expect your rates to be similar to this rate.
You might charge more if you have a lot of experience or less if there is not a lot of work around.
The rates reflect what you would charge other people for using your staff. They include what you
pay your staff plus all the extra costs of hiring – including industry allowances such as daily fares and
leave loading and other costs such as superannuation, payroll tax and workers compensation. If your
overheads are low you might want to lower the rates.
If you want to charge more or less...
Just adjust the labour rate to what you want to charge.
This will adjust the rate of all the recipes that use that labour type.
Remember to adjust your mark up to allow for any changes.
If you want the rates to show what you pay your staff per hour...
It’s easy to adjust the labour rate to the rate you pay your staff.
This will adjust the rate of all the recipes that use that labour type.
Remember to allow for the extra costs in your overheads.