You may also import supplier lists to work with custom items or custom subcontract rates that you have on file.
Click on Tools and click on Download CSV file.
Image 1: Accessing the supplier list template.
Fill in the supplier list template that you have just downloaded.
Image 2: Filling in the supplier list template.
Rename and save the completed file. Click on Choose File and select the file you have just saved.
Image 3: Uploading and importing a list.
To view your imported supplier list, click on Databases. You will see the imported list in a green folder.
Image 4: Viewing your imported list.
If you are an admin and sub-user, the supplier lists that you import will be accessible to all users in your account in the Company Supplier Lists tab.
If you are a user, the lists that you import will only be accessible to you in the My Supplier List tab.
As an admin user, if you wish to edit viewing permissions, click on User Preferences, Company Users and edit sub-users' options. Please contact support if you need further assistance.