Using templates will help you save time when creating an estimate.
Click on Templates and select Add Templates.
Image 1: Adding templates.
Find a template that is relevant to your project and click on the view icon.
Image 2: Selecting and viewing a template.
Tick the top most checkbox to select all the items in the template or tick individual items as required, then click Copy Items.
Image 3: Selecting and copying items in a template.
Go back to your Estimates page and view the estimate you wish to paste the items into.
Image 4: Setting an estimate as the active estimate.
Go back to Templates and enter a name for your new template and click Save.
Image 5. Creating a new template.
Click on the view icon to view a template and check if it is the template you wish to use.
Image 6: Adding items to a template.
Close the window and click on the plus icon to add the whole template to your active estimate.
Image 7: Adding a template to an active estimate.
Your active estimate will now contain all the items from the template you have applied.
Important note: If the active estimate contained items, the template will add the items at the bottom of the estimate. It is best practice to use templates in stages of the estimate and work areas.
There is a range of Cordell Residential Templates and also work area templates on their own that can be copied and pasted into an estimate, or copied and pasted into a My Templates list. Templates can also be added to an active estimate. Please contact support for further training.
Image 8: Using Cordell Templates.