Media Engine Templates are designed to allow our clients to apply their style guides to any social ads we deliver for them. These templates assist the efficient delivery of ads and the consistency of the client's branding.
For your digital ad templates, we have thoughtfully curated designs that will generate stronger interest and leave a lasting impression.
You're able to have different templates for each ad product. If you'd like a distinctive template for your Just Listed, Buyer, and Just Sold ads, simply let us know, and we'll cater to your preferences.
During your Activation with Plezzel, we'll look to get access to the office Facebook Page to run your social media ads through.
Would you also like them posted to your timeline?
Is there a different page you'd like used instead?
To enhance the efficiency, accuracy & consistency of our Ads Delivery team's efforts, we also have the capability to establish product rules for the various ad types you may request.
Below, we've provided an overview of the defaults we have in place:
Just Listed |
Open Home Reminder |
Auction Reminder |
Just Sold |
Other property ads |
Headline |
AUCTION | AuctionDate |
SOLD | SoldPrice |
FOR SALE or AUCTION | AuctionDate |
Body Copy |
| JUST LISTED | Property Address First sentence from the property description. Contact: Agent Name Mobile Number |
| OPEN HOME | Property Address First sentence from the property description. Contact: Agent Name Mobile Number |
| AUCTION | Property Address First sentence from the property description. Contact: Agent Name Mobile Number |
| JUST SOLD | Property Address First sentence from the property description. Contact: Agent Name Mobile Number |
| Property Headline | Property Address First sentence from the property description. Contact: Agent Name Mobile Number |
CTA Button |
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As a standard, the ads link through to the property listing page on your website.
Please advise if you would like any changes to the above and we can set that up for you prior to your go live!