There are three different comparable maps in your report. These maps show the location of your property and the properties you’ve selected. You can identify each property by its property location number.
Comparable Maps: All - displays all selected comparable sales and listings
Comparable Maps: Sales - displays only comparable sales
Comparable Maps: Listings - displays only comparable listings
At the bottom of the Comparable Sales and Comparable Listings maps is a list of the properties shown on the map, with their assigned property location number, address and some property attributes.
Click and drag the map to reposition it, or use the + and - buttons to zoom in or out.
Image 1: Comparison map
You can edit the following information in the Comparable Sales and Comparable Listings sections.
section title
add details about the property in the notes, for example, when the property was built or notable property features.
choose a property image to include in your report by clicking the left or right arrow on the image carousel
upload additional images – scroll to the end of the image carousel and click on Upload Image
tick the Feature this comparable checkbox to make it a feature property with its own page in the report
click the Bin icon to remove the property from the report.
If you update property data here, a blue asterisk will appear against the updates and a disclaimer will appear on the top right of the property details.
Image 2: Editable information.
You can also hide certain information by clicking on the eye icon, and undo changes by clicking on the undo icon.
Image 3: Hide information or undo changes.