Market Reports
With the help of Domain, RiTA can now link Market Report to contacts in your database.
Every few months RiTA will generate a Market Report topic which will be applied to your contacts. To find these topics you will need to navigate to the contact. Then navigate to “Topics to Talk About” and you will find the Market Report topic here. You will see the following summary of the report.
It provides a snapshot of the Market Data in the suburb the contact owns a property in. It gives you a wealth of information that you can use to engage with the contact, such as Recent Sales, Median Sale price and Median Rent. You can already tell that market prices in Sans Souci are on the rise by over 16% from this quick snapshot!
To view the full report click on the “View Full Report” button. This will take you to the report on with a more in depth view of the market activity in that suburb.
How can I use this report?
Now that RiTA has created a Market Report topic you can also use it in your conversations with your contacts. Pick up the phone and make a call to discuss with your contacts today! Otherwise you can use our Market Report templates to update your contacts via email or SMS.
To use the Market report via SMS or email follow the below steps.
Ensure the topic is selected on the contact screen under "Topics to Talk About"
Select the communication channel you want to use, in this example we will use email.
Select the Market report template. RiTA will then automatically fill in the details of the report and provide a link for the contact to click on.
Add any extra notes you want and click “Save and Send”
Market Report Automations
You can also use the Market Report to update your contacts via RiTA’s Automations. Making it easier and quicker to update your contacts.
It is best to run this automation every two - three months to ensure you are sending out updated market reports to your contacts.
First go to the Automations menu. You will need admin access to see this menu.
Then create a new Market Report Automation. We have created a Market Report template to assist you with the language and set up of this automation.
Click Customize and set up the Automation as you normally would. This article will help assist with setting up a list automations. As you can see RiTA is looking for contacts who have the Market Report topic.
Set the time for the automation and Save. Now RiTA can communicate with your contacts and send them updated market data. Too easy!
Q. How often does RiTA generate a market report topic?
A. A new report is generated once every 2-3 months per suburb as it takes a bit of time for RiTA to gather this information. There are over 3800 suburbs in Australia.
Q. What if I need a hand setting up a Market Report automation?
A. Reach out to support either on Chat or via
Q. Does RiTA generate multiple market report topics if the contact owns multiple properties?
A. Yes, RiTA will generate separate market report topics as long as the properties are in different suburbs.