Your subscription information can be found on the official contract, monthly invoices, and the welcome email that you would have received when activating your agency account. This welcome email is usually sent to the principal or the account administrator.
If you are a user without administrator access, please refer to your office administrator for subscription information. If you know which subscription you are on and wish to view your package inclusions, you may view the latest Property Guru packages here.
If you wish to upgrade or change your subscription, please contact our Customer Care team at or 0800 355 355. Please include the following information in your email or have it ready when you call so that our team can find the best solution for you:
Account number
Number of current users
You must send this request from the email of the registered account holder, or have the account holder cc’ed on the request.
We understand that your business needs may change from time to time. To cancel your subscription, please submit your request in writing by sending an email to and provide the appropriate notice period as stated in your contract. Please include the following information in your email so that our team is able to process your request with minimal delays:
Account number
Reason for termination
You must send this request from the email of the registered account holder, or have the account holder cc’ed on the request.
Our team will get back to you with the official date of termination and inform you of any outstanding invoices.